If you want to redirect your users when they hit the “/customer-area/” page, you can create your own custom redirects by using that code:
function custom_cuar_change_default_customer_page_url( $redirect_to ) { return 'http://www.google.com'; // or could be get_permalink( 120 ); } add_filter( 'cuar/routing/redirect/root-page-to-url?slug=customer-home', 'custom_cuar_change_default_customer_page_url' );
You could also redirect your users when they hit the dashboard. You just need to add the filter again, with a slightly different hook: cuar/routing/redirect/root-page-to-url?slug=customer-dashboard
Remember that the list of all slugs is available on the plugin status page (pages tab).
Make sure you do not delete any page, the plugin needs them to work properly. You can, however, remove them from your menu.