Customizing the layout of private content

    • Patrick Kline
      # 2 weeks, 1 day ago

      I just started using this plugin today and so far it has done what I want but I am just full on confusion on how to change certain aspects of the layout. For example, when a client views a file, how can I get rid of the “assigned to, author, date, category”? Another example would be either adding or taking away fields for account details and editing account information.

      Thank you,

    • Thomas
      # 2 weeks, 1 day ago


      Customizing the frontend private area mainly relies on template. Please check our template system documentation: You’ll learn how to find the appropriate template, how to copy and edit it.

      For instance, if you’d like to completely remove the top area including all the tiles, this is what you should do:

      • The template file (for private files), is the following : customer-area/src/php/core-addons/customer-private-files/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php
      • It contains the whole code used to display those stats and information on top of the page. So you can override it by creating the file wp-content/customer-area/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php and by replacing it with the content below.
        Warning: please note that the path is wp-content/customer-area, and not wp-content/plugins/customer-area.
      /** Template version: 3.4.1
       * -= 3.4.1 =-
       * - Whole template deleted by user

      It is great to keep a comment block including the version number when you edit a template, so WPCA will warn if we update a template you overrided.

      Another example would be either adding or taking away fields for account details and editing account information.

      This part works a bit differently. You’ll need to create a custom plugin and add this code snippet.
      If you’d like to add (more complex) fields, we recommend using ACF and our ACF Integration add-on, which allows adding fields to private content and registration/login/account pages.

      Best regards.

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    • Albert Siosteen
      # 2 days, 1 hour ago

      Hi Thomas, I am also new with this plugin.

      In the private area, this reference is given [customer-area-private-files /] in Elementor. And I don’t understand how Elementor will be able integrate with these files for design changes.

      I also wonder if there is any YouTube clips about WPCA that could help beginners to make changes in private area design.

      I have read about making skins. Is there any free skins or examples from other users that I could implement or learn from?

      Or is there an ad-on that I should have that will open up the design in the private area?

      (I use Astra theme and Elementor.)

      I am not a programmer!

      Thank you!


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